Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Slightly Early Happy New Year

 I have been a very bad blogger, both here and on my own blog, so here is the last post of the year and a promise that I will be much better next year. So, here is what everyone was working on at our last gathering before Christmas. Isobel was working on a travelling pattern which is very sweet, and I think this is the best photo I've got of her lovely fabric, although it still doesn't do it justice.
Next up is my Nemesis project, I have never had such trouble with a pattern before, this went to group with my last time because I was hoping that someone else could help me translate the pattern, They did, and thankfully it's not finished, I'll try and put a finished picture up at a later date. 
Sam was making some lovely Christmas jumpers, I love this, who doesn't love a festive jumper? 
And finally Susie was working on some socks with her magic sock yarn, I find these absolutely fascinating the way the yarn makes the pattern.

Happy New Year all, and if you'r New Year's resolution is to start a new craft, or spend more time working on one, then why not come along and join us, you can see that we work on quite a range of crafts.

Kim x

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