Saturday 28 December 2013

Happy New Year

There's a chance that I shouldn't be left in charge of this blog, apparently I have a memory like a sieve and never update!
Anyway, Happy New Year from the Harrogate Craftwork group and I resolve that I 2014 I shall try to blog more regularly about what we get up!

Saturday 21 September 2013

It's been how long?!?!

I have to apologise for being incredibly bad at keeping up with this blog.
I keep forgetting to take pictures when we all meet, sometimes I remember the camera, but still don't manage to take any pictures.
I've been told to post a pic of this, which is actually my own stitching, but it's been going to Harrogate Craftwork Group for several months as it's been worked to a deadline. This is Dictionary of Love by Bothy Threads, and to anyone considering stitching a Bothy Threads kit I whole heartedly recommend them.
And to anyone who enjoys any kind of fabric or thread craft in the North Yorkshire area, drop me a message and see about coming and joining us, we're very friendly!

Saturday 19 January 2013

A really late post!

Firstly Happy New Year from all those at Harrogate Craftwork Group!
Secondly, I am a terrible blogger and it's been far too long since I last posted anything on here, that is completely my fault. The lovely ladies at the group (sometimes) submit to me taking photos of their beautiful work, and then I forget to do anything with the pictures I've taken.
 Lisa was making some crotchet squares and let me take a picture of them to share with everyone.
Patricia was making some lovely little gift boxes for little Christmas gifts and they were so cute that I pretty much insisted that I be allowed to take a picture and post it here!

Happy crafting, I will try to remember to post more regularly.