Wednesday 23 September 2015


I've been a very bad blogger this month, first I forgot my camera, so these are all taken on my phone, hence the not great quality, then I was on holiday, so I've only got one weeks worth of photos and forgot to post, so here is everything that I've got a record of happening in September.
Firstly this is mine, my fingerless gloves. I have since finished them, and they're only a slightly different size, so I'll take that as a win. The colours don't come out great on my phone, they're honestly prettier in real life.

Sam is working on her snowman, who is looking great, and does now have cute and cuddly friends appearing as well, love it!

 She's also finished this lovely little dude, very impressed by him!
And finally Susie restarted her rug because she wasn't happy with the colours. Loving this version, the cabling is coming out beautifully, and she's even managed to rib the bottom!